Why Podcasting Is  So Valuable For A Business.

 20 Industry Experts Weigh In.

pfbcon 2023 speakers

Podcasting bring so many different benefits to a business, that it can be hard to choose a single most important one – and in fact, thethe value a podacst brings to a specific business is going to be uniue to that business! But the benefits aren't only about the bottom line – there are so many different kinds of value podacsting provides, personally, socially, professionally, and even emotionally.

So we asked all of the experts presenting at this year's Podcasting for Business Conference what their favorite thing about podcasting is – and here's what they had to say…

Direct Connection with Customers

“My favorite thing about podcasting is that, according to me it's the most powerful and intimate media for a brand when they want to whisper, directly in the ears of their customers. I don't see any better or more powerful media for engagement, and there is no better way to create love between a brand and their consumers.”

“No other medium can impact us on such a personal level.”

My favorite thing about podcasting is the sheer power of audio. It's something that, you know, there's no other medium that can impact us on such a personal level. It also means that we have to be very intentional about how we use audio, especially if you're a brand that is trying to use audio to reach a larger audience.”

Nothing beats it when it comes to
connecting with people.

“Relationships and the conversations that come from podcasting is my ultimate favorite thing.

I live in Southwest Michigan. We were doing social distancing before it was a thing. But through the power of podcasting, I get to connect with different people, be exposed to different ideas, and really have powerful conversations.

I've never had that, and I don't think there's any other medium that can do that besides podcasting.”

It allows you to be the face and
voice of your brand.

“One of my favorite things about podcasting is the ability to build your platform, be in front of your content and to showcase and be that voice.

One of the goals I have when I started the Thought Card Podcast five years ago was to build my authority. I wanted to let people know who I am and be lifted off of the page.

I definitely feel like podcasting has allowed me to be the face of my brand, be the voice of my brand, be known as a creator expert.

It helped me to quit my job in 2021. So the amount of doors that podcasting opened for me is something that I wished I knew before, but now that it's happened, it's just so enriching and it definitely keeps me dialed into podcasting years later.”

“Profitable like you would never believe.”

Podcasting has changed for me over time. When I first started, I got in because I wanted to master my voice. We were bringing a new product to market and I wanted the opportunity to share and get real time feedback from people and master how I was talking about it. And for a long time, I told people that's the beauty of podcasting, but I was so wrong.

And, here's a tiny plug, that's what the session is going to be about. The fact that what podcasting really does for you when you use it correctly, and that's the key, is an ability to build relationships that grow into meaningful joint ventures that are profitable for you and for them like you would never believe.

“Getting to talk to very cool people all day long.”

“It really adds joy to the
process of running a business.”

“My favorite thing about podcasting is the opportunity to connect with people. Many of the people who are involved in the Podcasting for Business Conference are folks that I originally met, either by having them on my show or by being on theirs.

Just the opportunity to reach out and spend 30 to 40 minutes talking with someone is such a gift to have in both a professional and a personal life.

It really adds joy to the process of running a podcast and doing it for business. So I think my favorite part is definitely getting to talk to amazing people.”

Megan Dougherty

Creator of The Podcasting for Business Conference


Get the strategies, the tactics and the answers to your questions about podcasting at the Podcasting for Business Conference 2023.

It would have taken years to
acquire this knowledge…

“My favorite thing about podcasting is as a listener, I feel like I would not have been able to advance to where I have in my career and not even get into my career if it wasn't for podcasting—as a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, and educator.

At this point, there is just so much knowledge that I've gained as a listener of podcasts that I think would have taken years to acquire, whether that's going to school where maybe a lot of the information might already be outdated by the time I finish school or just piecing it together online in other ways.

Podcasting for me has just opened up so many doors in my life and career.”

Connection that text can't replicate.

 ”My favorite thing about podcasting is the ability to build connections with people, even if you're not in the same room.

I know that I feel in the podcast that I listened to, I feel a connection to the host. 

I love to talk And so I feel like my best way of expressing myself is through talking, but I love to be able to build that intimate connection with my audience and really give them the information that you can't find just by searching things.”

You get to connect with
the community you've built.

“I love so many different aspects of it, but I think it's the way I get to connect with people, not just the people that I am interviewing, but with listeners.

They're actually people behind our download statistics, and they sometimes reach out and they tell us what they think. And I've had a lot of conversations and running conversations with listeners over the years.

So I love the aspect of community and getting to know people that podcasting allows us to do.”

Learning about things you've never imagined.

“I love podcasting because I'm always learning. I learn about so many things from these guests that I didn't know.

Really cool things like the blue zones. People who live to be a hundred or more or, smashing glass doors.

People that show if we can come more in alignment with who we are, we can go further in our lives, personally and professionally. People from Paris and Australia and Albania.

I'm just learning so much about cultures and information, I just love it.”

Podcasting is so accessible.

“My favorite thing about podcasting is the accessibility. You can listen to it at any time, at your own speed, anywhere, and with anyone as well, and in various different formats. So I really, really like that anyone has access to podcasting, and there's so much out there for anyone who wants to listen.”

There is no gatekeeper.

“My favorite thing about podcasting is that there's no gatekeeper.

Anyone can create a podcast about anything, which means there is an amazing variety of content in any niche.”

What Are Your Unique
Success Metrics?

If you're wondering ho to get maximum value out of your show, then you need to make sure you'reoptimizing for, and tracking, the right things. This free training webinar, which we're offering live in the lead up to the Podcasting for Business Conference will help you identify what is most important, and how to measure it. 

400 Conversations.

“My very favorite thing about podcasting is connecting with the guests and having those deep conversations. I was talking to my brother in law and he asked how many episodes I had done, and I said  you know, about 400.”

That's 400 individual conversations for an hour each. That's 400 hours of talking to people. So that's my favorite thing about podcasting.”

It's a great way to make friends.

“My favorite thing about podcasting is connecting with people across time and space.

As you can see, I love to read and I love reading books for a living. I often joke that podcasting is the introvert's guide to making friends.

I think the reason I have any friends at all is that I meet new people by inviting them to be a guest on my show and then keeping in touch.”

Reason #17: affect a person's life.

“My favorite thing about podcasting is the impact you can make on another individual's life. To me, there's nothing like podcasting when it comes to serving others. There's just something about it.

And I'll never forget the first time I ever had this happen was really early on my podcasting days. I was just checking my email, hoping someone would reach out about my podcast and sure enough, I heard from somebody who was in a different country talking about how it impacted their lives and how they used it in their school to tell their students about something that they were all curious about.

And they used my podcast as a reference. And that's not a pat on the back to be like, I'm global, right? No, it's to say, you know what? I impacted somebody's life that if it weren't for podcasting, I would never have had that opportunity. I would say, do for one, what you wish you could do for all. And podcasting really makes that type of thing a reality.

“The root of everything I'm doing
revolves around pocasting.”

“My favorite thing about podcasting is the opportunity to deliver your message to a mass audience on a level that you wouldn't have the opportunity to present it to without the power of podcasting. I came into podcasting in 2014 and I learned that lesson very, very quickly. But then I learned how to channel that message and focus that message so that I reached a very specific audience.

And it's been an extremely powerful tool. And actually the root of everything that I'm doing revolves around podcasting. And it's because of that access to an audience that I wouldn't have anywhere else.”

You can listen to a podcast whenever, wherever.

“The stories being told, whether they be by interviews, whether they be by folks talking about things that they've gone through, things that they've learned.

The other thing that I like about podcasts is the medium itself. The way that it can be consumed; on a run or in your car.

I'm also a music fan. I have a music background and I feel that podcasts now fight for attention—do I want to listen to my favorite song or do I want to learn something today or even be entertained by a podcast?

So it's really exciting to see this new medium and the way it can be consumed. I find that it actually helps me do things, such as going for a run.”

You get to work with awesome hosts and listeners.

“My favorite thing about working in the podcasting space is not only getting to work with fun, interesting hosts, but I also love connecting them with their audiences to make really lovely communities online.”

Get the strategies, the tactics and the answers to your questions about podcasting at the Podcasting for Business Conference 2023.