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Podcasting for Business Conference

Presentation Schedule


November 13 – 15, '23

All Virtual. All Recorded.

Day 1

9:00-9:25: Welcome and Networking Coffee. Special Guest: Chris Krimitsos

9:30-10:15 Eastern Creating Love Brands: A Deep Dive into 5 Winning Podcast Strategies with Jennifer Han

10:30-11:15 Eastern: How to Turn Your Brand Into Audio from the Tone to the Graphics with Michelle Khouri.

11:30-12:15 Eastern: Grow Your Sales and Downloads Leveraging Other People's Audiences with Tom Schwab

12:15 – 1:00pm Lunch Break

1:00-1:45 Eastern: Ask the Expert: Podcast SEO with Danielle Desir Corbett

2:00-2:45 Eastern: Look at Every Podcast Episode as a Joint Venture with Atiba de Souza

3:00-3:45 Eastern: The Regional Podcast Network – a New Model with Tom Fox

4:00-5:00 Eastern: Deep Dive Workshop: Changing the Conversation about Podcast Reach for Businesses with Tom Fox and Megan Dougherty

5:15-6:00 Eastern: Podcast Speed Networking

Day 2

9:00 – 9:25 Eastern: Welcome and Networking Coffee

9:30-10:15 Eastern: 3 Puzzles Every Business Must Solve to Maximize Podcast ROI with Jeremy Enns

10:30-11:15 Eastern: Read the Book, Send the Questions: Effective Knowledge Transfer from Experts to Everyone with Liz Covart

11:30-12:15 Eastern:  How Guest Selection Makes all the Difference with Mary Ann Faremouth

12:15 – 1:00pm Lunch Break

1:00-1:45 Eastern: Ask the Expert: Video Podcasts with Maribel Quezada Smith

2:00-2:45 Eastern: How to Exponentially Grow Your Podcast with Facebook Ads with Stacy Reed.

3:00-3:45 Eastern: The Power of User Testing Your Podcast with Andrea Marquez

4:00-5:00 Eastern: Deep Dive Workshop: Audio Quick Fixes and Troubleshooting with Audra Casino

5:15-6pm Eastern: Current and Future Podcast Networking and Troubleshooting

Day 3

9:00-9:25 Eastern: Welcome and Networking Coffee. Special Guest: Angie Trueblood

9:30-10:15 Eastern: Creating a Professional Looking Recording Setup from Anywhere with Junaid Ahmed

10:30-11:15 Eastern: Private Podcast Feeds: 3 Creative ways to Enhance Your Business and Serve Your Community with Jenny Blake

11:30-12:15 Eastern: Data-Driven Growth Strategies to Fast-Track Podcasting Success with Alex Sanfilippo

12:15 – 1:00pm Lunch Break

1:00-1:45 Eastern: Ask the Expert: Generative AI with Larry Roberts

2:00-2:45 Eastern: Communicating and Collaborating Easily with your Podcast Production Team with Kam Lal

3:00-3:45 Eastern: Podcasts Need to Be Seen as Well as Heard with Rebecca Wookey

4:00-5:00 Eastern: Deep Dive Workshop exploring the 2023 State of Business Podcasting Report with Megan Dougherty

5:15-6pm Eastern: Industry Professionals Networking

Event Types:

Coffee and Networking: To kick off each day of the conference, everyone interested in a little networking can join the room early for a round of introductions then topic-based breakout rooms for group networking.

Presentations: Experts, Podcasters and Subject matter experts will be sharing their expertise in 20-minute presentations, followed by up to 15 minutes of Q and A from the audience.

Ask the Expert Sessions: These are 45 minute long sessions with an industry expert completely devoted to answering your questions about key topics for podcasting success.

Deep Dive Workshops: Deeply explore the topics and learn how to apply specific skills and information to your own production workflow and high level strategy.

Podcast Speed Networking: Meet fellow podcasters, industry experts, podcast tech and service providers and more in short conversations to expand your professional network.

Current and Future Podcast Networking and Troubleshooting: Meet other business owners and team members podcasting as a marketing strategy, connect with guests and promotional partners and get insight and answers from your colleagues.

Industry Professionals Networking: Connect with other professionals serving the podcasting-for-business community. Meet new collaboration and referral partners, and generally talk shop.

Become a Partner

Would you like to get involved and earn a generous commission? We are looking for partners who can help us spread the word about the conference and our awesome speakers. If your community is curious about podcasting, or is podacsting already, you can send them out way to learn from our lineup of experts and connect with the broader community of attendees. Click the link below for all of the details!