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Mary Ann Faremouth

Consultant, Author, Speaker Teacher, Host of Career Can Do

How Guest Selection Makes All the Difference

Speaking Tuesday November 14th @ 11:30AM EST.

About Mary Ann Faremouth

Mary Ann showcases her talent and knowledge of the recruiting world in her current book, Revolutionary Recruiting, and the accompanying workbook, Revolutionary Reinvention. These books support individuals and corporations, teaching them how to tap into each candidate’s unrealized potential to find the right person for each job, maximizing both employee satisfaction as well as the employer’s bottom line.

In 2020, she has re-focused her skills as a consultant, available to assist both the applicant and the client to quickly adapt to the New Work World. She utilizes her platform as a writer and speaker through her articles and affiliations to reach those in need of help, offering hands-on guidance to nagivate this uncharted territory.

Mary Ann offers virtual and in-person workshops to personally guide individuals through personalized self discovery to find better suited career paths for success. Currently, she is reaching individuals through virtual avenues for universities and one-on-one mentoring for students soon to be out in the New Work World. She continues to build her affiliations with recognized leadership organizations in order to best serve her clients and applicants by building a network of highly professional contacts throughout the world.

Connect with Mary Ann:

Faremouth and Company

Career Can Do





How Guest Selection Makes All The Difference

How selecting the right guests on your Podcast Show Can Expand Your Business Platform. Selecting Guests that have a message for current economic times can gain your podcast more listeners, and thereby grow your business! Our national and international guests have expanded our business platform greatly. Mary Ann will go through how important the selection process is and how making that right selection of guests can allow your business to grow to an exciting new level. She will outline examples to drive the point home to the conference attendees!

Tuesday November 14th at 11:30am EST.