Account Information and Important Links
Important Links:
This is a simple list of what is happening when if you ever need a reminder, or to check on something.
[restrict subscription=4] 2022 Recordings
Want some amazing content right away? You got it – check out the recordings from 2022's Podacsting for Business Conference! [/restrict]
Attend Sessions
If you chose to attend live, you will be able to use the Attend Sessions page to click into the different calls. Right now, you can go to that page and add events to your calendar!
[restrict subscription=1,3]
Conference Slack Room
Come hang out in the virtual hallway of the Podcasting for Business Conference. Many good things await you there. Things of great import, and things of great humor. [/restrict]
Membership and Account Details
Your ‘Membership' is the type of ticket you chose – Attend Live, Recordings, or Day Pass. It is a single payment, and it will not renew. You will be entitled to the recordings of the content you selected for a year after the event.